1962 Beechcraft B33 Debonair N1447G - $119,000
IO-470N 260HP - ADS-B I/O - Bob Ripley Maintained
This is a meticulously maintained and well cared-for example of a Beechcraft B33 Debonair. This "always hangared," Midwest-based airplane is owned by the Executive Director of the American Bonanza Society and professionally flown in pursuit of his business for the past 15 years. With its current avionics, this is the perfect airplane for your family or business and a great place to start your aircraft ownership experience!
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- Serial Number CD-461
- AFTT 5,329
- Seats 4 Seats
- Damage History NDH
- Hangared Yes
- Complete & Consecutive Logs Yes
- Annual Due 3/31/25
- IFR Checks Due 2/28/25
- W&B (lbs) 3,650 GW, 2,110 EW, 78.35" CG, 1,072.6 Useful Load
- Audio Panel Garmin 340
- ADS-B Garmin GDL 88D ADS-B I/O Transceiver
- Autopilot Century 2000 Coupled
- Chronometer Davtron 800B Yoke Chronometer
- Digital Instrument Garmin G5 Standby AI
- ELT Artex 406 mHz
- Engine Management JPI EDM 930
- Flight Director Aspen PFD 1000
- Fuel Computer Shadin MiniFlo L
- HSI Aspen PFD 1000
- Intercom Garmin 340 4-Place Intercom
- NavComm King KX-155 w/ GS & GI-106A Indicator
- Transponder Garmin GTX327
- Stormscope 3M WX-900
- Accessories Avionics Master, Dual PTT
Standard Model Data - B33
- Dimensions Height: 8'3" Ft/In, Wing Span: 32' 10" Ft/In, Length: 26' 8" Ft/In, Cabin Height: 4' 2" Ft/In, Cabin Width: 3' 6" Ft/In, Cabin Length: 6' 11" Ft/In, Cabin Door Width: 37" In, Cabin Door Height: 36" In, Baggage Door Dimensions: N/A Inches
- Operating Weights Gross Weight: 3,000 lbs, Empty Weight: 1,930 lbs, Useful Load: 1,255 lbs, Fuel Capacity: 44 Gal Useable, Payload w/ Full Fuel: 991 lbs, Nose Baggage Capacity: N/A lbs, Rear Baggage Capacity: 200 lbs, Aft Baggage Capacity: 270 lbs
- Fuel & Oil Capacities Standard Tanks: 50 gal, Standard Useable: 44 gal, Extended Range Tanks: 80 gal, Extended Range Tanks Useable: 74 gal, Oil Capacity, Each Engine: 10 qts
- Performance T/O Ground Roll: 982 ft, Takeoff Distance Over 50 ft Obstacle: 1,235 ft, Landing Distance: 643 ft, Landing Distance Over 50 ft Obstacle: 1,282 ft, Initial Rate Of Climb: 960 fpm, Service Ceiling: 18,400 ft, Normal Range 568 nm, Max Range: 650 nm
Engine & Propeller
- Engine Continental IO-470-N, 260 HP, S/N 458172, 1500 TBO, 1,322.2 SFRM (1999) by Teledyne Continental. Compressions 1/67, 2/63, 3/73, 4/71, 5/76, 6/67 all over 80.
- Propeller McCauley 2-blade Model 2A36C23-DFG, S/N 802368, SPOH 294.7
Airframe Enhancements / Modifications
- Paint Matterhorn White K8042 Base Coat w/ F2573 Silver, M2231 Dark Silver and C4819 Burgundy Accents 8/10 (2014)
- Interior White Leather Original, Sheepskins Shoulder Harnesses, 4/10 (Original)
- Other 3-Blade, GAMIs, BDS Baffle Kit, Copilot Vent Window, Dual Yoke, Aileron Trim, Sheepskins, Vertical Card Compass, Davtron 800B Yoke Chronometer, Hobbs Meter, Cabin Door Steward, Speed Slope Windshield,
Standard Performance - B33
- Speeds Max Speed Vne: 197 Kts, Max Structural Cruise Vno: 162 Kts, Maneuvering Speed Va: 129 Kts, Flaps Approach / Max Extension Speeds Vfe: 106 Kts, Landing Gear Extension Vlg: 122 Kts, Landing Gear Operation Vlo: 144 Kts, Stall Speed Vs: 61 Kts, Stall Speed (Dirty) Vso: 52 Kts, Best Rate Of Climb Vy: 90 Kts, Best Angle Vx: 75 Kts, Cruise Climb: 104 Kts
- Wing Area/Loading/Power Loading Wing Area: 177.6 sq ft, Wing Loading: 16.9 lb/sq ft, Power Loading: 13.3 hp/sq ft
Lloyd Stearman Field Airport- 1K1
Benton, Kansas USA